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Hi Friend :) 

Life is amazing, isn't it?


The fact that I have the ability to create this website, podcast, & using this as a tool to present my creativity makes my heart sing. Whether that's through my poetry or the episodes that I make. For starters, my name is Samantha Zurita, but I go by suits me ;) I'm fascinated with life and I tend to question everything around me. You can say I've always been a curious cat when it comes to life on earth.

I am so blessed and grateful that I can share my truth with you and the different perspectives I gain through the people around me. I love each and every one of you. Trust me, I am nowhere near perfect, I have made my share of mistakes, but I can't let that stop me and my dreams or the fear of failure.

In the past, I have challenged my comfort zone in so many different ways and I believe through everything I've been through, I have achieved a unique and beautiful mindset. Thanks to everyone in my life who have shown me that the box we think we're in is an illusion. 

If you want to learn a little bit more about me or just have any questions, I am all ears. Shoot me an email or contact me via social media: @soulfullysam or @experiencethegrey

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